True Health Solutions

True Health Solutions (formerly known as Carlton North Chiropractic), provide chiropractic services which include sports chiropractic, paediatric care, retained neonatal reflexes, applied kinesiology, kinesiology, Chinese medicine, myotherapy and massage, nutrition and dietary services. They are located in Carlton North and Hampton, Victoria.

They have a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and work with you to find the underlying cause of health problems whilst seeking the fastest results possible. They explain everything in advance and always answer my abundant questions.

I was first introduced to the principal and director of True Health Solutions, Dr Steve and his team during my second pregnancy and wish I had of discovered him earlier. How that pregnancy was different as a result of his support and treatment. My family have regularly sought treatment ever since to maintain our health and wellness and I wholeheartedly attest the turnaround of the health of one of my littles to Dr Steve’s contribution. Our newest little arrival had his first treatment on his way home from the hospital.

The continued wellness of my family is maintained by a handful of health practitioners and Dr Steve Sassinis Shashyan and Dr Alicia Caldararo are at the top of our list.

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